Available mjpg-streamer configuration options

@PrintedWeezl thank you for answer, but it not what I want. I think that the service should work all time but if has no requests by http from octo, camera shoud be disabled until new request will income

That's not possible with mjpg streamer.

It might be worth documenting the --softfps option, which limits FPS by dropping frames. It works for camera_usb_options, not sure about camera_raspi_options (I don't have one; a quick source search suggests it is not supported).

For my use, I'm more interested in resolution than frame rate. It seems that the -f option simply attempts to set the camera frame rate; my camera (Wyze Cam v2 with webcam firmware) seems to ignore that, and I always get the same frame rate (15fps). These frame rates overwhelm my Pi3 at higher resolutions. The --softfps option drops frames to achieve a target framerate (per the documentation), and achieves for me what I was hoping -f would do, limiting framerate to limit performance impact of using higher resolution.

The option isn't listed on the linked documentation page, but is described in the source:

Do you know if there's an option to disabe the fish eye?

Hi, what should I do to make it possible to have a screen display on octoprint after the usb camera is plugged into the laptop? Thank you very much!

Just install a streamer on the laptop :slight_smile:

Thank you for your reply! I would like to ask how exactly streamer should be downloaded and used? I found mjpg-streamer on github and downloaded it before, I didn't find anything like a setup, so I don't know how I should use it, and I'd appreciate some guidance. Thanks a million!

Oh the laptop is running windows

Mjpeg streamer is a Linux application. You could probably get it running via wsl, but that could be a bit of work.

Check out the "install webcam server" part of the OctoPrint on windows guide

Thank you for your answer, but why is it that when I follow that tutorial like this: http://<ip_of_your_pc>:8081/video.mjpg, it still doesn't show the screen?