Backup and Restore of Octoprint and plugin and their settings?

is there anyway to backup the octoprint + plugins and their settings ?

we always got tf card corrupted and need to reinstall the octopi / octoprint and plugins ...


What's about simply cloning the functional card?
Like descriped here

for example

I agree, I'd feel much better if I could back up a few files. It makes programmatic provisioning easier.

I know the config.yaml would need to get backed up. Unsure about the plugins.

I remembered that I wrote an FAQ entry on this topic a couple months back and was confused that I couldn't find it here. For some reason it apparently was lost during migration to the forum. I've recreated it:

My procedure takes a bit more space cuz it backs up the whole card, even the empty space

sudo shudown now

Remove SD Card from Raspberry

Insert SD Card into card reader/computer

Run win32diskimager

Navigate to your backup folder (DON'T do this on "C" or that would be VERY BAD)

Click "READ" instead of "WRITE"

NOTES : Definition of VERY BAD... Your computer will never work again


I really want to use the Octoprint backup plugin. (

However the option is not showing up in my settings and I have no glue how to activate it.

I even set up a new Octoprintserver because I was not sure about the version I startet my operational Octoprint server with. But also under 0.15.1 the plugin is not showing up. Is there a special way to avtivate plugins of "bundledplugins"?

Thanks and regards

You are using OctoPrint 1.3.9, and the Backup & Restore plugin is only available in 1.3.10 (and onwards). 1.3.10 is currently only available for testing as a “release candidate”, but once it is available as a stable version your OctoPrint will prompt you to upgrade.

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The BACKUP feature of 1.3.10rc2, as just now tested, produces a zip file amazingly fast. You may then download it and save it for later restoral. It seems to include everything that you'd need, minus the plugins themselves. And yet, it likely includes the settings from config.yaml for those.

since the backup feature does not backup the plugins (like you said)
does it mean when we do a restore of the backup, it will automatically download the plugins again?

Pretty sure it doesn't. It is assumed that you would have to re-install each. On the plus side, each plugin's settings in the config.yaml should be preserved.

The backup plugin actually attempts to reinstall all plugins previously installed from the official plugin repository, and if it can't find a plugin there it will tell you so.

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Is there any reason why the backup plugin doesn't backup the plugins as well?

I don't think the total size of the plugins most people got installed would be that big in comparison to the time lapse videos..

Can you add new feature checkbox to the backup plugin for people who want to backup the plugins as well?

Plugins are installed via python's package manager. Packing that stuff back up in the hope to be able to install it on the target system is a nightmare bound to fail.

So no, I can't and won't add such a checkbox.

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