Best settings for Time Laps video?

What is the problem? Need info

What did you already try to solve it? used default and searched forum.

Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, octoprint.log, serial.log or output on terminal tab, ...)
Standard octopi install on B3+

Looking for best settings for timelaps to make a smoother video without taxing the Pi too much.
FPS is 25 and minimum interval is 5.. set to trigger on Z change , what changes would give me a longer smoother video?

I go with a timed version since the z-change version is a little too choppy/fast.

Snapshot interval:    10 sec
Timelapse frame rate: 25 fps
Timelapse post roll:  1

What would be nice would be a version of the timelapse video settings which would take a photo in exactly the same X/Y position each frame so that you just see the part building rather than the hectic nature of the extruder assembly itself.

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The z change does do that on cylinders if you have the start postilion set to a specific spot.. (S3d option) Come to think of it, the reason I am asking this is I have had that set to optimize for faster print lately and didn't realize until now that is probably why the last few videos have been so crazy! Will try timed and see how that looks. Thanks!

Surely that is precisely one of the options when using OctoLapse plugin.

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Norm! Hey what settings are you using? I installed and guessed at it.. got a 10 hour print starting.. will the original tab for time laps still make a video even with the plugin running? Or does the plugin supersede the default timelaps? Heading to google to see if there is a dock on that plugin

EDIT. My printer not in list and not looking to test something prior to 10 hour print so I removed the plugin for now.
Will revist later as it does a nice job!

I set it "Fixed with extruder at centre, snapshot each layer change, rendering 00:05 + 1 second pre and post roll". That setting doesn't rely on how long the print takes but how many layers it has.

And here I was, using the stock timelapse in OctoPrint. That looks like exactly what I'd want.

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You could try to use the dry run option in Octolaps and test how it looks like few min and if it looks ok you just restart a live print.