Browser to octopi works but can't update

I can login octopi from another machine via IP address however Octopi fails the connectivity check. I also cannot update or turn on VNC so I can access the headless pi.

Newest version of the octopi image is running.

Hi roonton
perhaps you must activate only vnc
log on over SSH. Mac =terminal, win = Putty
ssh pi@ip-adress
Password default=raspberrypi
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server realvnc-vnc-viewer
sudo raspi-config

enable vnc service

and sudo reboot.

It sounds like you can connect to your OctoPrint instance but only with the IP address and not using http://octopi.local. This to me sounds like a simple name resolution problem.

VNC is normally awesome but it requires the GUI/Desktop/X-Windows version of Raspbian Stretch PIXEL to be loaded. OctoPi uses the console-only Raspbian Stretch Lite version, so no X-Windows. VNC doesn't have anything to connect to.

If you wanted to do some work, you could run the ~/scripts/install-desktop script. You would then have the entire Desktop and could—if you put the work into it—use VNC to get to that. In some cases, you next need to adjust the authentication of VNC on the server and to set a password.

In my post I stated I can't do any updates. Can't connect to the internet. Can ping the Pi and locally connect to the pi via browser, ssh.

[quote="OutsourcedGuru, post:3, topic:3217"]

Stated in my question that I have no connectivity to the internet. Accessing pi via a Mac.

sound like
the Raspi has no connection to router.
Then log on over ssh
sudo raspi-config
check Network settings

Network and Password.

or run
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf

and chek this also.

What we know:

  • Your Raspberry appears to be connected to something and has an IP address
  • You can connect to (or similar) from your Mac
  • Your Raspberry can't sudo apt-get update, for example
  • Your Raspberry is headless
  • Version 0.15.1 of OctoPi
  • You can connect to your Raspberry via ssh (presumably via the IP address)

What we don't know:

  • Whether your Raspberry is connected with an Ethernet cable straight to your Mac, whether it's connected via Ethernet cable to a router or whether it's only connected via wi-fi
  • The output of ifconfig
  • Whether or not you can connect to http://octopi.local from your Mac (whether or not name resolution is working)
  • Whether or not you have installed the Raspbian Desktop via the script

The output of ifconfig might indicate whether or not the Raspberry Pi has been given some default DNS servers for looking up hostnames. If not, it would behave like his. Likewise and as suggested, it could also be that the Raspberry Pi doesn't have the proper default route to your router. Also, the netmask (as given during the DHCP phase) could be wrong.