Try setting the width and height values to the actual resolution supported by your camera. In your case that would be 4608x2592 based on the camerastack-libcamera.log included in the system info bundle. Then leave the video height and snapshot height as-is.
The camerastack-journal.log seems to indicate that autofocus might not be working with this camera.
Could not set AF_TRIGGER - no AF algorithm or not Auto
I have a PiCamera V3 (non wide), but I had an Arducam 16M AF once where the AF did not work as well. I had to set a manual focus like in the attached Screenshot (made for a printer using my PiCamera V3), and then saving that focus setting as a default setting in the "Camera Settings" Plugin. Then I set the AF to off in the libcamera.conf. That worked for me for that camera. The name of the setting under "Show Preview" is probably different for your camera, try the values in the dropdown list. One of them should work.