Camera Settings plugin not saving settings

I am having trouble with The Camera Settings plugin not saving the camera settings. I have a Raspberry Pi 4 B, Octopi (new camera stack), OctoPirint 1.10.3. I have a Prusa Mini + printer. My USB camera is a ELP-USB8MP04AF-V72.
When I open the Camera Settings plugin I see 2 cameras to choose from rpivid and HD USB Camera. The rpivid gives me a picture and 1 or 2 options. The HD USB a range of settings that seam to work in realtime. The main setting I am playing with is the focus. I am trying to set a manual focus as it get me the best picture. I save the changes and they stay until I reboot or reload and then back to the rpivid. I first installed the Octopi (stable) and got the same behavior, so I thought I would try the Octopi Camera stack on a different SD card to see if that made a difference. I hope this is the correct log

octoprint.log (100.7 KB)


I have had the same problem for a while now. Replying here so I can follow any updates.