Can connect with octoremote, but can't with local octoprint

I bought a new pc, and it was a long time since I can't work with my 3d printer, again.

I can connect with octoremote android app, credentials are stored in the app, I can see the name and password. But I can't connect with my local adress with my pc, I can access the credential page, but I have a "wrong username/password" message when trying to connect.

I'm sure about my credential, username and password are simple.

What did I miss?!!

Just to rule out your pc - could you try to login via the browser of your smartphone/tablet?

thanks, for your fast answer, I tried from another pc, and phone, and with my browser's smartphone, same problem.

Is it possible that octoremote connect with api only, and don't need username and password?

but you can ssh into the raspi? (pi/raspberry unless you changed it)
You could set a new password then.

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