Can not get Octoprint to run

I have been trying for 3 days to get Octoprint running, without success. I am using a Raspberry Pi 4 mounted in an Argo One aluminum enclosure with an attached 500Gb SSD. I originally used this machine to run the Ubuntu desktop to program Arduino and ESP32. I started off with imager version 1.8.5. I saw a post that said version 1.7.5 had worked for that person so I tried that. Another post suggested using the 2.4gHz Wi-Fi instead of 5gHz, so I tried that. Nothing has worked. To make sure the hardware was okay, I flashed the Raspberry Pi desktop to the SSD. I attached the Pi to a monitor and mouse and it booted up fine including connecting to my Wi-Fi. (Actually, I did that twice over the period of a couple of days.) When using either imager, I choose OctoPi (stable) as the OS.

To customize:
I leave hostname set to raspberrypi.local
I enable SSH with password authentication
Username bill is loaded as default
I type a password
I enable Wi-Fi
With version 1.8.5, I had to enter the SSID and the password
With version 1.7.5 the correct SSID and password are automatically loaded
I set wireless LAN country to US
Locale settings are automatically loaded correctly
And write.

I saw a post that said using an ssd was the same as a microSD and not a problem so that is what I was doing. Yesterday, I thought that might be the problem, so I wrote to a microSD card, plugged that into the Pi, disconnected the ssd, but same result. I did run Advanced ID Scanner once and the Pi did not appear on my network.

I feel like the definition of insanity, trying the same thing over and over expecting a different result!

It appears the problem is the Pi is not connecting to my Wi-Fi, the question is why and how can I troubleshoot it?

You said you can connect a keyboard and monitor to your Raspberry Pi. So that should be easy.
Attach keyboard and monitor and then log in with your username and password.
Then enter the following:

sudo raspi-config

Select "1 System Options" and hit return.
Select "S1 Wireless LAN" and hit return.
Follow the prompts to select your country from the list, then enter your SSID and WiFi password.
Select "Finish" and exit raspi-config.
After that you can verify with

sudo ifconfig

that you have obtained an IP address from your WiFi router.

I am normally on ethernet with my Pi4s and do not use WiFi there, but I just tested this and it worked for me.

I’m not at all proficient with Linux command line, but I followed your instructions. At the second menu, when I selected “S1 wireless lan”, it did not ask for a country code, it immediately asked for SSID, and then password. When I hit return, it went back to the previous menu. I selected Finish and was back at the command line. When I entered sudo ifconfig, I got the attached screen. I’m not sure what all that means, except it doesn’t appear that it connected.

Seems to be connected

Try or if you don't use a reverse proxy

That worked, thank you. It would have been much easier if http://octopi.local would have worked like in all the videos I watched. Thanks again for your help.

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That issue can be caused by multiple things.

Does just http://octopi work?