Can't connect to Octoprint on main PC, but can connect with phone and other PC's

What is the problem?

Can't connect to Octoprint UI from browser and can't even SSH to it from main PC. Though I can connect using my phone and my other computers. Likely a network issue, but I wouldn't know how to diagnose and troubleshoot that.

What did you already try to solve it?

Rebooted the Raspberry Pi multiple times. Rebooted the modem for my network. Rebooted my PC.

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?

No. Nothing changed.

Systeminfo Bundle (72.7 KB)

Additional information about your setup

Connecting to a Raspberry Pi 3A running Octoprint OS via Firefox on a Windows 10 machine using both the 'address'.local and directly with IP. Also SSHing into it with CMD doesn't work.

Connecting using Pixel 7 and other Windows 10 machine on the same network works. Even able to connect to it using a Pi micropc running Debian without issue.

If WiFi devices can connect to your OctoPrint Pi then perhaps the problem is with your Windows PC.
Can you access other devices on your WiFi with your Windows PC? How is the Windows PC connected to your network? Via WiFi or via ethernet?

Managed to solve the issue though I'm not sure if this is permanent of a fix or just a fluke.

I changed the IP my PC was assigned by the router and the IP that the Pi Octoprint is running on was assigned. Seems to be able to connect now.

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