Cant connect to server after 1.8 upgrade - OctoPrint 4a

What is the problem?

After Upgrade to 1.8 no longer able to connect via web browser - seems to be permissions related. Realize Octoprint 4a is support by others, but wanted to bring awareness.

Per android device, says "OctoPrint is Running" and does connect to printer, camera server seems to be active - Looks normal from andriod 10 phone

See screenshots from Chrome browser attempt from Win10 pc, same message when attempting from chrome browser on andriod phone running OctoPrint 4a.

What did you already try to solve it?

A few reboots, reload, googling..

Have you tried running in safe mode?

Unable (or unfamilair) with ability to run in safe mode via Octoprint 4a. Glad to try with guidance

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)

Glad to try, need instruction

Additional information about your setup

Octoprint 1.7 was stable on unrooted android 10 phone, update to 1.8, initially looked successful but said unable to restart. using Python 3.9.? - Checked before update.

Seeing similar reports starting today on the OctoPrint 4a Github, reporting same/similar issue.

I am unable to capture the terminal log, but on the OctoPrint 4a GitHub another user has provided an example, that appears to provide same failure mode.

see comment from others troubleshooting same..
Quote from other thread on OctoPrint 4a...


koprda](koprda (Ivan Koprda) Β· GitHub) commented 19 minutes ago β€’


problem is in new version octoPrint
src/utils/ on line 201 os.scandir("/dev")

quick fix:

  • comment or delete lines 201-204 in and reinstall
  • I used ssh in okto4a

ssh root@[ip] -p 8022
cd ~/OctoPrint-OctoPrint-f430257
sed -i '201,204d' src/octoprint/util/
pip install .

... restart server

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It's a known issue, albeit a very annoying one following 5 release candidates across 2 months for people to test. I couldn't reproduce the issue on my own Octo4a test install.

Link to the Octo4a issue for anyone else:

I suspect OctoPrint will need a patch to better handle the permissions error here, it was not anticipated - the old code used to do the same job, but with a higher-level API that must do some error handling for us, now it will have to be done in OctoPrint specifically.

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Thanks, very much - watching on the other thread.

I know you may have seen the other thread, but again for anyone else that comes across this issue, it has been fixed with Octo4A version 1.1.0:

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The issue has re-emerged and been reported for further review.

The update to 1.1.1 has/appears to have resolved the issue.


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