Can't get Octolapse working with a PS3 Eye Camera

Sony PS3 Eye

Cant get Octolapse to work

**Ive read the Github page for instructions and watched the video twice. I'm a new user so I'm a bit lost TBH. ** user, not sure where to get webcamd.log to paste here. Can someone tell me where to input this line please and I will add to this thread? (/var/log/webcamd.log, syslog, dmesg, ... no logs, no support)

EDIT: I have added a plugin_octolapse.log to the third email in this saga. I hope this is what is required.

Latest Octoprint version (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ...)

Hope someone can give me some advice.

Thanks in advance folks!


I really think its related to me not being able to find the base address.



plugin_octolapse.log (37.0 KB)

Is this the log file?

