Can't get pi camera to work

What is the problem?

New setup of Octopi on Raspberry Pi, everything is working except for the camera (attached to motherboard - checked it is correctly attached). I am able to fully control my printer, but when I click on the Control tab to see video, it says "Webcam stream not loaded" and the link it sends me to says " The webcam server is currently not running" and I follow those troubleshooting steps with no change.

What did you already try to solve it?

I have followed the directions on the Pi website including running "sudo apt update" and "sudo apt full-upgrade" and making sure camera is enabled in raspi.config. When I try to run a test image with "raspistill -v -o test.jpg" I received this error in the attached screenshot:

pi@octopi:~ $ raspistill -o Desktop/image.jpg
mmal: Cannot read camera info, keeping the defaults for OV5647
mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component '' (1:EN OMEM)
mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component '' (1)
mmal: Failed to create camera component
mmal: main: Failed to create camera component
mmal: Camera is not detected. Please check carefully the camera module is instal led correctly

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint 1.5.2, octopi-buster-lite-0.17.0.img, Ender 3 Pro (all original equipment)

If raspistill does not detect the camera, and you are sure you enable the camera in raspiconfig, then there are a couple of options:

  • The cable is not correctly oriented or seated at the raspberry pi end
  • The cable is not correctly seated at the camera end
  • The cable is broken
  • The camera is broken
  • The raspberry pi is broken

The above options are more or less in order of most to least likely. Personally I always forget the correct orientation of the cable (was it "blue end facing the ethernet port" or the other way around?).

Are there any leds lighting up on the camera board during boot?