My sony SLEH-00448 camera fails to produce a picture on Octoprint Control Screen
What did you already try to solve it?
I tried the configuration changes in octopi.txt listed on, I ran some of them multiple times. I even tried some for other brands of cameras.
I did the following as recommended by - OCybress
Playstation Eye
•You may need to run a few commands to get it running. sudo -s rpi-update reboot
Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, octoprint.log
, serial.log
or output on terminal tab, ...)
running Version 1.3.9
camera is sony SLEH-00448 camera
I have an Ender 3,
I have been spending so much time on this camera issue, I have not even sent a file to the printer yet. But Octoprint seems to work otherwise, I can move axes with control, etc.
lsusb , two runs, the pi seems to recognize the camera...
webcamd.log this shows lots of errors
its a good thing that Linux syntax is on the net, its been dozens of years since I played much with command lines, and very little unix at that.
thanks for all your help