It has taken me 1 week with 3 separate raspberry pi devices to get them to log into my network using the posted/latest octoprint image. Why isn’t “scan_ssid=1” added to the basic instructions?
Now, I can see the octipi on my network. I can SSH into (using Putty) the pi using the IPv4 network address. I can complete the first steps of initializing, however the timezone change always fails.
BUT, I can’t access the octopi via the web interface through any browser I try. Any attempt to reach it simply results in my browser receiving a “download.gz” file. I have no idea what this means or where to go from here.
Completed every step in the troubleshooting guide. I can SSH to the rpi through my network. However, I was never able to run the "vcgencmd get_throttled" because it responds: "vcgencmd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I can successfully ping it. Whenever I attempt to connect through any of my browsers, all I get is a file "download.gz" in response. I have no idea what this means.
I have tried using the same card in both a 3 and zeroW. Same exact response.