Changing EEPROM of Prusa MK2.5 to bypasse XYZ errormessage

I am working with an old Prusa MK2.5
The Prusa has XYZ calibration. After rebuilding the machine it does not want to pass the XYZ cal. And I do not want to change the build (it is triple checked and perpendicular!). The problem is a y-carriage what is a bit skew (so the XYZ cal thinks the machine is skew. ).
It prints fine. but I keep getting the annoying message when I bootup to do the calibration (and I can not login remotely).

So what I need is a way to change the EEPROM so it skips this message.

What did you already try to solve it?

read as much I could find. And I found this:

From the github from Prusa I understand this is possible by changing this in the EEPROM:
0x0FF7 4087 uint8 EEPROM_CALIBRATION_STATUS_V1. should be set to 1 (what is written) there. See [QUESTION] Bypass 'first startup calibration' message. · Issue #4491 · prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware · GitHub

It is also mentioned that it could be done with octoprint, because octoprint can read D-codes.

But now: How do I change this in EEPROM without ruining the EEPROM.
Guess I have to find a way to get an editor connected, and need to learn what and how to edit.

Can you give me some directions? Or point maybe a tool to do this? Regards, Eef

This should help you

Make surelower case stays lowercase, as mentioned in the github issues. Send for example an m106 s200 to make sure the letters stay lowercase.

Looks to me like you need

D3 x0FF7 4087 01h 1

But no guarantees from my side. That the first time I'm seeing this command and that's just an educated guess.

You can also read out the whole eeprom by just sending D3 to make sure everything went right. But you probably need to enable serial logging for that since it will most likely report with too many lines for the terminal window cache.

Thank you for your fast reply :-). Lot to study on, before changing something.
If/when I succeed, I will update here. :wink:

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Started here: [QUESTION] Bypass 'first startup calibration' message. · Issue #4491 · prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware · GitHub
Did a lot of searching from there and could add this to the 4491 page:

I have read the above advice & links and found even more of @3d-gussner (very helpfull!)As I understand I have to set this bit to 1:0x0CA6 EEPROM_CALIBRATION_STATUS_V2 02h XYZ cal passed

To do so:I opened the terminal on octoprint to read the value first:Send:

D3 Ax0ca6 C1
Recv: D3 - Read/Write EEPROM
Recv: 0ca6 04Recv: ok

This means (as I understand) that "Z cal passed" is 1 and the others are all 0Because I also want "XYZ cal passed" to 1. The value should be 06So I wrote:

Send: D3 Ax0ca6 X06
Recv: D3 - Read/Write EEPROM
Recv: 1 bytes written to EEPROM at address 0x00000ca6Recv: 0ca6 06
Recv: ok

Reading it back after reboot:

Send: D3 Ax0ca6 C1Recv: D3 - Read/Write EEPROMRecv: 0ca6 06Recv: ok

But no success (yet). I still keep getting the same message.So there must be something else what has to be changed.

I did the other calibrations: selftest, Z cal (not XYZ) and first layer. And no message anymore