If i change the communication timeout, i cant save the config.
Saving does work if i change the value.
Problem since i updated today. Same on 5 different Printer, after update.
Hope someone can fix it in the next Version, need to change the value, Thanks.
octoprint.log, serial.log or output on terminal tab at a minimum, browser error console if UI issue ... no logs, no support! Not log excerpts, complete logs.)
You should still be able to edit it manually in ~/.octoprint/config.yaml or via something like ~/oprint/bin/octoprint config set --float "serial.timeout.communication" 40 (adjust 40 to your desired value).
That made me chuckle. Did you know that OctoPrint is mostly done by one person? Hi. I'm that "someone".
That made me chuckle. Did you know that OctoPrint is mostly done by one person? Hi. I'm that "someone".
Hi , no i did not know that fact, big respect what you did so far. I really like it.
You should still be able to edit it manually in ~/.octoprint/config.yaml or via something like ~/oprint/bin/octoprint config set --float "serial.timeout.communication" 40 (adjust 40 to your desired value).