This doesn't seem to have a conclusive solution. Some people have noted voltage issues (none in my logs). Others with nearby EMF sources. Nothing like that here, as this problem has only just started this week and nothing new has been installed. Likely remaining culprits seem to be the Ο camera (it's always been there) or a bad USB cable (same one I have always used that has a ferrite core). One suggested solution is printing from the SD card, so I am going to try that next.
Please, shorten the topic line. It should be brief - not a novel.
Thanks for your help.
As you have discovered, searching for "Communication timeout while printing" yields lots of results and numerous causes.
But you didn't discover that those topics with solutions usually contained details provided by the original author including a systeminfo bundle.
Since you didn't ask for help, I am assuming that you just posted here out of frustration. If my assumption is wrong, then we can only help you if you help us by providing as much detail about your configuration as you can. A "Get Help" topic provides a template which can get you started. There is no such thing as too much information.
I didn't find any that had solutions, with or without systeminfo, so I assumed this was either transient or insoluble. There was no warning given in the UI or anywhere I looked until the job froze. Happened a couple of times. It worked fine from the SD card though.
As long you do not post your systeminfo bundle here, we can't help.