What is the problem?
Constant communication timeouts resulting in pauses mid-print and marred works.
What did you already try to solve it?
Updated printer stock firmware to marlin ADVi3++, upgraded from a pi zero to a 3B plus, running a 2.5A power supply for the pi, replaced cables (included shielded), run a powered hub, tweaked timeouts up to 30 seconds, dropped print speed to 45ms in GCODE, disabled GCODE visualiser. Tested USB port via PC connection, USB port on printer tested and operates without fault.
Additional information about your setup
Octoprint 1.3.10
Octopi Version 0.15.1, running on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 (No webcam)
Printer: Wanhao Duplicator I3+
Firmware: Marlin ADVi3++ 1.1.8
The errors seem to be triggering around the temperature checks, but I've pushed the timing of those right out the wazoo with no discernable change to behaviour.
Serial log (partial):
2019-01-28 05:48:06,357 - Send: N453 G1 F900 X145.906 Y154.108 E55.62963*1
2019-01-28 05:48:06,386 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:48:06,391 - Send: N454 G0 F4800 X145.906 Y153.543*77
2019-01-28 05:48:06,912 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:48:06,915 - Send: N455 G1 F900 X144.940 Y152.577 E55.65235*1
2019-01-28 05:48:06,937 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:48:06,942 - Send: N456 G0 F4800 X145.506 Y152.577*69
2019-01-28 05:48:07,401 - Recv: T:195.09 /195.00 B:49.67 /50.00 @:52 B@:L���ok
2019-01-28 05:48:08,975 - Recv: T:194.86 /195.00 B:49.70 /50.00 @:56 B@:127
2019-01-28 05:48:10,972 - Recv: T:194.52 /195.00 B:50.03 /50.00 @:64 B@:127
2019-01-28 05:48:10,977 - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.
2019-01-28 05:51:16,798 - Send: N1196 G1 F3000 X101.861 Y155.525 E98.63776*6
2019-01-28 05:51:16,966 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:51:16,971 - Send: N1197 G0 F4800 X101.862 Y149.945*116
2019-01-28 05:51:18,775 - Recv: o-� T:195.37 /195.00 B:49.95 /50.00 @:41 B@:0
2019-01-28 05:51:20,774 - Recv: T:195.37 /195.00 B:49.92 /50.00 @:41 B@:127
2019-01-28 05:51:20,779 - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.
2019-01-28 05:54:54,290 - Send: N2044 G0 F4800 X93.343 Y152.740*75
2019-01-28 05:54:54,550 - Recv: T:195.26 /195.00 (�r��z��r���34 B@:0
2019-01-28 05:54:54,558 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:54:54,562 - Send: N2045 G1 F3000 X98.193 Y157.590 E160.85232*8
2019-01-28 05:54:54,574 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:54:54,578 - Send: N2046 G0 F4800 X99.795 Y157.591*71
2019-01-28 05:54:54,885 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:54:54,890 - Send: N2047 G1 F3000 X101.861 Y155.525 E160.90090*61
2019-01-28 05:54:55,181 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:54:55,186 - Send: N2048 G0 F4800 X101.862 Y149.945*116
2019-01-28 05:54:56,547 - Recv: o-� T:195.37 /195.00 B:50.31 /50.00 @:34 B@:0
2019-01-28 05:54:58,545 - Recv: T:195.48 /195.00 B:50.33 /50.00 @:33 B@:0
2019-01-28 05:54:58,554 - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.
2019-01-28 05:55:39,051 - Send: N2218 G0 F4800 X141.544 Y161.097*114
2019-01-28 05:55:39,069 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:55:39,073 - Send: N2219 G1 F3000 X145.905 Y156.735 E173.50922*57
2019-01-28 05:55:39,381 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:55:39,385 - Send: N2220 G0 F4800 X145.906 Y154.391*116
2019-01-28 05:55:39,692 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:55:39,697 - Send: N2221 G1 F3000 X144.092 Y152.577 E173.55188*57
2019-01-28 05:55:40,046 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:55:40,050 - Send: N2222 G0 F4800 X144.407 Y152.577*115
2019-01-28 05:55:40,315 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:55:40,319 - Send: N2223 G1 F3000 X137.386 Y159.598 E173.71700*51
2019-01-28 05:55:40,348 - Recv: ok
2019-01-28 05:55:40,352 - Send: N2224 G0 F4800 X137.386 Y153.941*119
2019-01-28 05:55:40,991 - Recv: T:194.89 /195.00 B:49.82 /50.00 @:50 B@���Rok
2019-01-28 05:55:42,499 - Recv: T:195.00 /195.00 B:49.95 /50.00 @:43 B@:127
2019-01-28 05:55:44,497 - Recv: T:194.55 /195.00 B:50.18 /50.00 @:60 B@:0
2019-01-28 05:55:44,500 - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.