Completion time in military format. How to change?

Please see the picture. Is this an option in Octoprint, which I forgot the location of the setting, or is this something I set up on the Raspberry Pi? I really can't remember setting up military time, and am curious where the setting is to change it.

That's something in one of your plugins.

Well, that at least omits Octoprint being the culprit. Need to just dig around and figure out where it's coming from. I like military time, but I know it will bug my GF...

isn't that the amount of time it's been printing, or the estimated total print time and not the actual clock time?

No, it was completion time, because it completed at roughly 5:50PM yesterday, and it was only a 9 hr or so print.

That's most likely coming from Display Layer Progress, and you can change the time format in its settings:

It even gives you the proper example format for 12 hour time...

Awesome. Thank you. I dug around in every setting, but must have overlooked this. Been so busy this week...

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