Controls send no extrude retract gcode to terminal

Hello everyone. Today I downloaded a fresh image according to the instructions octopi 1.0.0 with octoprint 1.9.2, everything set up, my Prusa MK3s+ prints, so far everything is fine. But one thing doesn't work. If the extruder is heated up and I click the buttons for extrude or retract in the controls, no GCode is displayed in the terminal and the extruder does not move either. I give manually
G1 E10 F50
on, the extruder moves. Why don't the buttons send any GCode to the terminal? The other controls (x, y, z moves) works great. Did I do something wrong?

many thanks

Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!) (325.8 KB)

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version 1.9.2, OctoPi version 1.0.0, PRUSA i3 MK3S+, 3.13.0, browser opera, operating system windows 10/7

Have you tested this in safe mode?

Actually, you are impacted by this bug:

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Thank you for the info. I've read a lot in the last few hours, but I hadn't found this yet.

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