Creality CP-01 prrinter

What is the problem?

I cannot make a connection from Octoprint to my Creality CP01 printer

What did you already try to solve it?

Tried different cable, tried 5v back-feed cable modification,

Have you tried running in safe mode?

No I'm not sure how that will help

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?

Don't know

Complete Logs

octoprint.log, serial.log or output on terminal tab at a minimum, browser error console if UI issue ... no logs, no support! Not log excerpts, complete logs.)

OK here goes, octoprint.log and serial.olg

| Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate
| Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer
Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible
2021-01-01 22:01:00,105 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details:
| hardware:
| cores: 4
| freq: 1500.0
| ram: 4041732096
| os:
| bits: 32
| id: linux
| platform: linux2
| plugins:
| pi_support:
| model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1
| octopi_version: 0.17.0
| throttle_state: '0x0'
| python:
| pip: 19.3.1
| version: 2.7.16
| virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint
2021-01-01 22:01:00,118 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets...
2021-01-01 22:01:00,141 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache...
2021-01-01 22:01:01,016 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server...
2021-01-01 22:01:01,458 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down
2021-01-01 22:01:01,459 - - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event
2021-01-01 22:01:01,460 - - INFO - Adding 2 events to queue that were held back before startup event
2021-01-01 22:01:01,466 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue...
2021-01-01 22:01:01,469 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder...
2021-01-01 22:01:01,476 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue
2021-01-01 22:01:01,477 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Fetching check overlays from
2021-01-01 22:01:01,478 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done.
2021-01-01 22:01:01,508 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid
2021-01-01 22:01:02,023 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event system_unthrottled, payload: {u'throttled_mask': 0, u'throttled_voltage_now': False, u'throttled_voltage_past': False, u'throttled_overheat_now': False, u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': False, u'throttled_overheat_past': False}
2021-01-01 22:01:02,733 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid
2021-01-01 22:01:03,401 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip
2021-01-01 22:01:03,402 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes
2021-01-01 22:01:03,403 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes
2021-01-01 22:01:03,448 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Saved version cache to disk
2021-01-01 22:01:03,776 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi._http._tcp.local.' for _http._tcp.local.
2021-01-01 22:01:04,586 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi._octoprint._tcp.local.' for _octoprint._tcp.local.
2021-01-01 22:01:04,596 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP
2021-01-01 22:01:04,661 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on
2021-01-01 22:01:04,834 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid
2021-01-01 22:01:05,217 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:01:05,439 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip
2021-01-01 22:01:05,441 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes
2021-01-01 22:01:05,441 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes
2021-01-01 22:01:05,516 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 54.1GB. That is considered sufficient for updating.
2021-01-01 22:01:05,746 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user OctoprintAdmin from ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:01:05,763 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: OctoprintAdmin
2021-01-01 22:01:05,945 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User OctoprintAdmin logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:01:06,047 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid
2021-01-01 22:01:06,067 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Port Lister () {}
2021-01-01 22:01:06,196 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=en', 'path': '/', 'base_url': ''}
2021-01-01 22:01:06,209 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 8}
2021-01-01 22:01:06,391 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {u'python': '2.7.16', u'os': u'linux', u'ram': 4041732096L, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', u'version': u'1.5.2', u'pip': '19.3.1', u'cores': 4, u'freq': 1500.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1', u'bits': 32}
2021-01-01 22:01:06,617 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {u'python': '2.7.16', u'os': u'linux', u'ram': 4041732096L, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', u'version': u'1.5.2', u'plugins': u'displaylayerprogress:1.24.0,fullscreen:0.0.6,filemanager:0.1.4,portlister:0.1.10,marlin_flasher:0.4.1,octolapse:0.4.1', u'pip': '19.3.1', u'cores': 4, u'freq': 1500.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1', u'bits': 32}
2021-01-01 22:01:11,384 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user OctoprintAdmin from ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:01:11,385 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: OctoprintAdmin
2021-01-01 22:01:17,595 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 11.40s
2021-01-01 22:01:17,599 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=en', 'path': '/', 'base_url': 'http://octopi.local/'}
2021-01-01 22:01:17,961 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:01:18,146 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 0.55s
2021-01-01 22:01:18,827 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:01:18,872 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user OctoprintAdmin from ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:01:18,873 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: OctoprintAdmin
2021-01-01 22:01:20,709 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User OctoprintAdmin logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:01:21,006 - tornado.access - WARNING - 400 GET /plugin/marlin_flasher/board/listall (::ffff: 9.87ms
2021-01-01 22:01:21,026 - tornado.access - WARNING - 400 GET /plugin/marlin_flasher/firmware (::ffff: 16.95ms
2021-01-01 22:01:21,713 - tornado.access - WARNING - 404 GET /plugin/octolapse/getSnapshot?file_type=thumbnail&camera_guid=354def78-9eea-409a-ad23-ee966dfff4ba&apikey=&time=1609538481690 (::ffff: 1.70ms
2021-01-01 22:01:21,938 - tornado.access - WARNING - 404 GET /plugin/octolapse/getSnapshot?file_type=snapshot&camera_guid=354def78-9eea-409a-ad23-ee966dfff4ba&apikey=&time=1609538481691 (::ffff: 1.57ms
2021-01-01 22:02:13,050 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User OctoprintAdmin logged out, logging out on socket
2021-01-01 22:02:13,054 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged out user: OctoprintAdmin
2021-01-01 22:02:13,324 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/settings (::ffff: 215.24ms
2021-01-01 22:02:13,433 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:02:13,679 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:02:32,674 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 POST /api/login (::ffff: 21.94ms
2021-01-01 22:03:02,934 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 POST /api/login (::ffff: 21.49ms
2021-01-01 22:05:50,889 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: OctoprintAdmin
2021-01-01 22:05:50,894 - octoprint.server.api - INFO - Actively logging in user OctoprintAdmin from ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:05:50,961 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user OctoprintAdmin from ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:05:50,962 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: OctoprintAdmin
2021-01-01 22:05:51,055 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:05:51,708 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:05:51,747 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user OctoprintAdmin from ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:05:51,748 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: OctoprintAdmin
2021-01-01 22:05:53,556 - tornado.access - WARNING - 400 GET /plugin/marlin_flasher/board/listall (::ffff: 9.60ms
2021-01-01 22:05:53,570 - tornado.access - WARNING - 400 GET /plugin/marlin_flasher/firmware (::ffff: 9.80ms
2021-01-01 22:05:53,674 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User OctoprintAdmin logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2021-01-01 22:05:54,239 - tornado.access - WARNING - 404 GET /plugin/octolapse/getSnapshot?file_type=thumbnail&camera_guid=354def78-9eea-409a-ad23-ee966dfff4ba&apikey=&time=1609538754197 (::ffff: 4.00ms
2021-01-01 22:05:54,252 - tornado.access - WARNING - 404 GET /plugin/octolapse/getSnapshot?file_type=snapshot&camera_guid=354def78-9eea-409a-ad23-ee966dfff4ba&apikey=&time=1609538754197 (::ffff: 3.36ms
2021-01-01 22:15:58,391 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-01 22:16:06,228 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 908}
2021-01-01 22:17:15,050 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2021-01-01 22:17:15,075 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates:
2021-01-01 22:17:15,076 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected."
2021-01-01 22:17:15,089 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)"
2021-01-01 22:17:15,301 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared
2021-01-01 22:17:15,432 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_autodetect, payload: {u'commerror_text': u'No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.'}
2021-01-01 22:20:13,369 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2021-01-01 22:20:13,393 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates:
2021-01-01 22:20:13,401 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected."
2021-01-01 22:20:13,406 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)"
2021-01-01 22:20:13,601 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared
2021-01-01 22:20:13,753 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_autodetect, payload: {u'commerror_text': u'No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.'}
2021-01-01 22:20:40,789 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2021-01-01 22:20:40,838 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates:
2021-01-01 22:20:40,839 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected."
2021-01-01 22:20:40,845 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)"
2021-01-01 22:20:41,058 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared
2021-01-01 22:20:41,188 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_autodetect, payload: {u'commerror_text': u'No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.'}
2021-01-01 22:20:42,144 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2021-01-01 22:20:42,179 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates:
2021-01-01 22:20:42,181 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected."
2021-01-01 22:20:42,185 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)"
2021-01-01 22:20:42,352 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared
2021-01-01 22:20:42,529 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_autodetect, payload: {u'commerror_text': u'No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.'}
2021-01-01 22:20:43,031 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2021-01-01 22:20:43,058 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates:
2021-01-01 22:20:43,062 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected."
2021-01-01 22:20:43,070 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)"
2021-01-01 22:20:43,271 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared
2021-01-01 22:20:43,433 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_autodetect, payload: {u'commerror_text': u'No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.'}
2021-01-01 22:20:50,494 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2021-01-01 22:20:50,530 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates:
2021-01-01 22:20:50,532 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected."
2021-01-01 22:20:50,539 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)"
2021-01-01 22:20:50,653 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared
2021-01-01 22:20:50,824 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_autodetect, payload: {u'commerror_text': u'No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.'}
2021-01-01 22:30:58,393 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-01 22:31:06,250 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 1808}
2021-01-01 22:45:58,397 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-01 22:46:06,245 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 2708}
2021-01-01 22:49:06,966 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2021-01-01 22:49:07,003 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates:
2021-01-01 22:49:07,004 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected."
2021-01-01 22:49:07,010 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)"
2021-01-01 22:49:07,200 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared
2021-01-01 22:49:07,376 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_autodetect, payload: {u'commerror_text': u'No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.'}
2021-01-01 23:00:58,399 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-01 23:01:06,264 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 3608}
2021-01-01 23:09:57,395 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff:
2021-01-01 23:10:00,016 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2021-01-01 23:10:00,067 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user OctoprintAdmin from ::ffff:
2021-01-01 23:10:00,070 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: OctoprintAdmin
2021-01-01 23:10:00,108 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User OctoprintAdmin logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2021-01-01 23:15:58,400 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-01 23:16:06,264 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 4508}
2021-01-01 23:26:26,902 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff:
2021-01-01 23:30:58,403 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-01 23:31:06,279 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 5408}
2021-01-01 23:45:58,404 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-01 23:46:06,285 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 6308}
2021-01-02 00:00:58,406 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-02 00:01:06,285 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 7208}
2021-01-02 00:15:58,407 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-02 00:16:06,348 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 8108}
2021-01-02 00:30:58,409 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-02 00:31:06,322 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 9008}
2021-01-02 00:45:58,413 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-02 00:46:06,324 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 9908}
2021-01-02 01:00:58,414 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-02 01:01:06,340 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 10808}
2021-01-02 01:05:07,866 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user OctoprintAdmin from ::ffff:
2021-01-02 01:05:07,869 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: OctoprintAdmin
2021-01-02 01:05:09,307 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2021-01-02 01:05:09,351 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user OctoprintAdmin from ::ffff:
2021-01-02 01:05:09,354 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: OctoprintAdmin
2021-01-02 01:05:11,016 - tornado.access - WARNING - 400 GET /plugin/marlin_flasher/board/listall (::ffff: 9.92ms
2021-01-02 01:05:11,030 - tornado.access - WARNING - 400 GET /plugin/marlin_flasher/firmware (::ffff: 10.35ms
2021-01-02 01:05:11,136 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User OctoprintAdmin logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2021-01-02 01:05:11,647 - tornado.access - WARNING - 404 GET /plugin/octolapse/getSnapshot?file_type=thumbnail&camera_guid=354def78-9eea-409a-ad23-ee966dfff4ba&apikey=&time=1609549511627 (::ffff: 1.74ms
2021-01-02 01:05:12,132 - tornado.access - WARNING - 404 GET /plugin/octolapse/getSnapshot?file_type=snapshot&camera_guid=354def78-9eea-409a-ad23-ee966dfff4ba&apikey=&time=1609549511627 (::ffff: 1.56ms
2021-01-02 01:05:14,030 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2021-01-02 01:05:14,052 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates:
2021-01-02 01:05:14,053 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected."
2021-01-02 01:05:14,057 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)"
2021-01-02 01:05:14,105 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared
2021-01-02 01:05:14,253 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_autodetect, payload: {u'commerror_text': u'No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.'}
2021-01-02 01:06:35,238 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2021-01-02 01:06:35,275 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates:
2021-01-02 01:06:35,277 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected."
2021-01-02 01:06:35,280 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)"
2021-01-02 01:06:35,438 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared
2021-01-02 01:06:35,576 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_autodetect, payload: {u'commerror_text': u'No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.'}
2021-01-02 01:15:58,417 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2021-01-02 01:16:06,340 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 11708}

2021-01-01 21:46:07,138 - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2021-01-01 21:46:07,183 - Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates:
2021-01-01 21:46:07,185 - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected."
2021-01-01 21:46:07,188 - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)"
2021-01-01 21:55:25,658 - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2021-01-01 21:55:25,689 - Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates:
2021-01-01 21:55:25,691 - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected."
2021-01-01 21:55:25,716 - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)"

System Information

Please copy/paste the following when requesting support on the forums or when opening a new bug report:

browser.user_agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36
connectivity.connection_check :
connectivity.connection_ok : true
connectivity.enabled : true : true
connectivity.resolution_check :
connectivity.resolution_ok : true
env.hardware.cores : 4
env.hardware.freq : 1500
env.hardware.ram : 4041732096
env.os.bits : 32 : linux
env.os.platform : linux2
env.plugins.pi_support.model : Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1
env.plugins.pi_support.octopi_version : 0.17.0
env.plugins.pi_support.throttle_state : 0x0
env.python.pip : 19.3.1
env.python.version : 2.7.16
env.python.virtualenv : true
octoprint.safe_mode : false
octoprint.version : 1.5.2

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version 1.5.2. OctoPi version 0.17.0, printer Creality CP-01, firmware Don't know, browser Chrome, operating system MACOS, ... as much data as possible

About OctoPi

The ready-to-go Raspberry Pi image with OctoPrint

Version 0.17.0, running on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1

Β© 2013-2021 [The OctoPi Authors]

Hello everybody, hope this is legit way to post asking for help.

Has anybody managed to connect a Creality CP-01 to Octoprint ?

When trying to connect I get ;

"Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
Performing autodetection with 0 port/baudrate candidates:
Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected."
Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)"

It seems like the port USB is not detected or that the Creality control board does not get recognised somehow, more likely seems to me that a serial connection over USB is not being detected as no settings are even tried. Only AUTO is available for the port, no other choices. Printer is about 12 months old and works Ok when I put a SD card in it and load from their control panel.

How many cables have you tried? Not all of them work, since they are not all full data cables. Try at least 3, see if they work. You are correct when you say it seems like the creality control board is not recognised by the printer.