Create admin user on webui

What is the problem?

How to create admin user on webui

What did you already try to solve it?

Ran octoprint user add , but users are added on the user group only.

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle


Team, basically I am looking into info on how to create users on UI in admin mode. I have only one user octoprint which is under users group.

Running octoprint user add put users on users group. I tried also octoprint user add -g Admins or admin but does not take effect.

$ octoprint user add --help
Usage: octoprint user add [OPTIONS] USERNAME

  Add a new user.

  --password TEXT        Password for the user
  -g, --group TEXT       Groups to set on the user
  -p, --permission TEXT  Individual permissions to set on the user
  --admin                Adds user to admin group
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

To make the user an admin, try the --admin flag.

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