Ender 3 Bed heating, Nozzle Not, Print Won't Start

I have dropped files into my octopi and hit the print button. I can watch the bed heat hit the target but the nozzle does not heat up and the print never starts.

I have tried to google but I am just not sure what I am looking for.

This is one of the files I am trying

Here is the log file for my octoprint. I think...

Raspberry 3 b+, Ender 3, Cura 4.2.1

Hello @Tirre_Logston!

You have a plugin that sends information to the printer LCD.
It uses the command M117. It appears, that the command line gets the checksum appended.
M117 does not need a checksum.
Try in safe mode if this error still occurs.


Thank you. I uninstalled a bunch of plugins and restarted in safe mode. It worked this time. I will add back one at a time and test till I find the one causing the issue. Thank you so much for the help.

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