Ender 3 Can't Update Mesh, Auto Home, anything

What is the problem?

Working with my printer alone is fine, but when I try to control my printer through Octoprint, the limit switches just don't work, including my Bltouch. I can self test it and everything, but when homing z axis, it just dies or something

What did you already try to solve it?

Someone said try turning on the printer, then plugging in the pi, then boot up octoprint, specifically in that order and it should work. It didn't. Not much else I had to try.

Have you tried running in safe mode and if so did it solve the issue?


Additional information about your setup

This issue began recently, when I just installed the new Creality V4.2.7 mainboard, and updated the firmware.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Ender 3 - Bed Visualizer ignores limit switches