Ender 3 SKR Mini V 1.2 + Rpi3b + empty USB

I just upgrade Ender 3 to new motherboard and try to connect via USB (by Rpi3, Rasbian with Docker -> Octoprint and Dell Wyse, Ubuntu 18 with Docker -> Onctoprint) but when I put:

ls /dev | grep -i "usb"

I get empty answer.

When i put:

ls /dev | grep -i "tty"

i get a lot but only one new (when I connect and disconnect usb):


I check Laptop witch Win10 and when I connect to the USB, its show new device: serial port com

I set new octoprint contener, and like this:

docker run -d -v octoprint:/home/octoprint --device /dev/ttyACM0:/dev/ttyACM0 -p 5000:5000 --name octoprint2 octoprint/octoprint