Ender 3 v2 - Unable to change temp mid print?

Hi All! New user here, can't see this asked anywhere and maybe it's by design but need to satiate my curiosity!

What is the problem?

First time using I start a print, realise gcode has the incorrect temp in it

What did you already try to solve it?

I used the UI to change temp, up nor down would work - seems to get overridden immediately

Just wondering if this is a known issue / expected behaviour?


It depends on your gcode, it will not be overwritten by OctoPrint but if the gcode contains more temperature commands then they will overwrite whatever you enter.

You can't adjust the temperature during a 'blocking' heatup routine, such as at the start of the print where everything waits for the temperature and the printer does not accept any new commands.


Ah, I'm guessing that's it - the 'blocking' heatup routine.
Out of interest, how come it's blocking? I'm able to change the temperature using the on the screen commands during this phase (most notably because it heats the bed first and then the nozzle rather than both together)

There are two different gcodes - one just changes the target temperature and the other waits for the target temperature to be reached.
It's just to make sure that your print doesn't start until the target temperature has been reached.

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I don't (and won't) own a Creality printer but I seem to remember someone saying that the LCD screen / controls are not active when the printer is being fed gcode via USB (i.e. OctoPrint).

The OctoPrint controls send gcode via USB to the printer but only when the printer is idle (with a couple of exceptions). If the temperature is wrong, the best solution is to go back to the slicer, correct it, slice it, and upload it again.

If you want to print your object with different temperatures at different heights (for example, a temperature tower), then either slicer settings or hand editing of the output gcode will be required.

Yeah, that's right - i noticed that after slicing with the incorrect z-offset. All fine when i print from SD but don't see a way to change it in Octoprint mid print and the controls don't work when Octo is running...
Maybe there is a way to do it in Octo but still learning - don't see it at the moment

Can you hand edit the gcode in Octo? I don't see that at the moment (only the graphical representation)

There is a gcode editor plugin, https://github.com/ieatacid/OctoPrint-GcodeEditor.

If I want to edit the gcode output by my slicer(s), I usually do it on the desktop where I run the slicer and upload the edited gcode to OctoPrint. Desktops usually have better editors.

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