What is the problem?
Sometimes prints start spitting out tons of filament, full speed, popping out my bowden tube instead of actually starting to print.
What did you already try to solve it?
I flashed a new octopi SD card
I tried different gcode files. However, I found that the same gcode file will print fine sometimes and other times this error happens.
Printing from the SD card on TFT28 screen does not seem to reproduce this problem.
Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, octoprint.log
, serial.log
or output on terminal tab, ...)
Ender 3 with MKS Gen L. Marlin bugfix 1.1.x
Octoprint 1.3.10 on freshly installed Octopi.running on a Pi 3B+
Serial.log relevant section (full log and gcode below)
2019-04-24 22:31:31,141 - Recv: ok
2019-04-24 22:31:31,146 - Send: N17 G92 E0*113
2019-04-24 22:31:31,152 - Recv: X:219.60 Y:220.00 Z:1.00 E:0.00 Count X:17568 Y:12429 Z:-277
2019-04-24 22:31:31,159 - Recv: ok
2019-04-24 22:31:31,164 - Send: N18 M117 "All systems go"*2
2019-04-24 22:31:31,170 - Recv: ok
2019-04-24 22:31:31,174 - Send: N19 G92 E0*127
2019-04-24 22:31:31,194 - Recv: X:219.60 Y:220.00 Z:1.00 E:0.00 Count X:17568 Y:12511 Z:-277
2019-04-24 22:31:31,200 - Recv: ok
2019-04-24 22:31:31,205 - Send: N20 G1 F2400 E-4*6
2019-04-24 22:31:31,340 - Recv: ok
2019-04-24 22:31:31,345 - Send: N21 M107*22
2019-04-24 22:31:31,350 - Recv: ok
2019-04-24 22:31:31,355 - Send: N22 M204 S5000*99
2019-04-24 22:31:31,360 - Recv: ok
2019-04-24 22:31:31,365 - Send: N23 M205 X30 Y30*20
2019-04-24 22:31:31,370 - Recv: ok
2019-04-24 22:31:31,375 - Send: N24 G0 F3600 X99.719 Y44.86 Z0.2*26
2019-04-24 22:31:32,508 - Recv: T:200.04 /205.00 B:60.06 /60.00 @:127 B@:127
2019-04-24 22:31:33,381 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2019-04-24 22:31:34,507 - Recv: T:199.54 /205.00 B:60.49 /60.00 @:127 B@:0
2019-04-24 22:31:35,382 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2019-04-24 22:31:36,358 - Recv: ok
2019-04-24 22:31:36,370 - Send: N25 M204 S500*84
2019-04-24 22:31:36,378 - Recv: ok
2019-04-24 22:31:36,382 - Send: N26 M205 X20 Y20*17
2019-04-24 22:31:36,388 - Recv: ok
2019-04-24 22:31:36,393 - Send: N27 G1 F2400 E0*40
2019-04-24 22:31:36,443 - Recv: ok
2019-04-24 22:31:36,448 - Send: N28 G1 F1500 X101.302 Y41.286 E0.13001*1
2019-04-24 22:31:36,508 - Recv: T:199.97 /205.00 B:60.16 /60.00 @:127 B@:0
gcode that was printing during this log:
If you could answer this question as well it would be great...In the serial.log file, all the lines seem to be multipled by some seemingly arbitrary number. For example: Send: N17 G92 E0*113 ....the corresponding gcode ends in E0. ....so... Where does the *113 come from? Also, why are my Z's negative here?
I really hope someone can help because this is driving me nuts.