OctoPrint Version 1.10.3
OctoPi Build 2022.03.23.100241 with "webcamd", based on OctoPi 0.18.0, running on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2
Ender 5 Pro
Microsoft Edge
Windows 11
Issue first appeared approximately 2 weeks ago. System has been operating with same hardware configuration, same RasPi, same Octoprint for 3+ years, with only automatic updates. Replacing USB appeared to correct the issues (several successful prints), however the problem has reappeared with a vengeance. I suspected the buck converter I was using to power 12v lights was the ultimate issue, however I have now removed that circuit entirely and just experienced another failure.
This failure leaves printer actively heating, not moving, and print head still in contact with the print job.
As I said before, this is still most likely EMI which Creality printers are both very susceptible to and generators of. The best defense is a high quality, shielded USB cable with ferrite beads. Careful routing of all cables including those inside the printer and changing the positions of the printer and the RPi.
EMI can come from devices other than the printer and the Raspberry Pi. Solving EMI issues is probably the most frustrating of all issues. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
I know you've said this before, and I was very optimistic when my initial cable replacement seemed to work. It wasn't long before that proved to not be the solution. I've replaced the cable twice, first with one I had on hand, then with this one:
I've physically separated the printer and the pi to the extent of the cable.
I've re-routed the printer's external cables to keep them to the back of the printer, as far away from the pi, which is located at the front, as physically possible.
I've removed the cooling fan from the pi (it still has passive cooling via heat sinks), as it was (audibly) a bit noisy and I figured it might be electronically noisy as well.
I've completely removed the buck converter that was powering a 12v LED strip.
The problem persists.
This hardware has worked together without issue for years.
I wish the solution was as simple as you believe it to be, but that does not seem to be the case.
I have a new Meanwell power supply on order. When that gets here, I'll try again.
I also have another pi available; I'll try replacing that if the PS doesn't change anything.
Currently printing from SD card, as OctoPrint has become suddenly unusable, and that makes me sad.
I neglected to mention in this post that I have taped off the power lead on the USB.
I will point out that I did this as a troubleshooting step after this problem appeared (a few weeks ago), again after literally years of it not being taped. Nice to now be able to power off the printer and the screen actually turns off... it did not solve the issue.
But yes, there is no power flowing from the RPi to the printer.
New power supply received today, installed.
Clip on ferrite cores received, have added them where it seems appropriate.
Will attempt a print that failed a few times with the SerialException and see what happens. Will not replace the buck converter for my LEDs until/unless this works.
I have plenty of ferrite cores if there is anywhere else where they could be useful.
Image for reference.
Thanks again,
--- Next day ---
I hesitate to call it fixed (because I've done that once already and was wrong).
However, I've successfully printed a 4+ hour job followed by a 3-hour job last night.
Going to add the buck converter back in a few more prints before I put it all back together.
Wish me luck.
--- Much Later ---
The problem reappeared, although very inconsistently. Just moving the RPi could induce the problem, but not reliably.
I had a second RPi, so I moved the SD card to it, restarted, and have not seen the error since.
Might actually have been a problem that the RPi picked up along the way. Might be something else completely that this inconsistent problem still hides from me.
For now, I'm printing with abandon, and considering this problem solved... for now.