Filament Runout Detector

Super basic question but is it necessary to connect and configure detector on OctoPrint or will it still work on the printer main board?

If it's optional, whats the advantage of putting it on OctoPrint?

In my case, it was easier to set the detector up in OctoPrint than to mess around with setting up a boot loader and recompiling my printer firmware. Also, no spare connector on the board to hook one to even if I wanted.

Printer firmware requires 'Host Action Command Prompt' support to be enabled for the prompt to show up in OctoPrint and for OctoPrint to correctly pause. Most firmware doesn't come with this out of the box

Other than that, the only advantage to having it within OctoPrint is you may be able to do something more powerful (such as link in phone notification etc.) but I don't know what the plugins that implement filament sensors actually do above and beyond printer firmware.

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