File upload over network

What is the problem?

File upload from PC to Octopi
How can I configure Octopi to see and load files from my PC over my local network?

Hello @LilRedExp !

Please do not mix up OctoPi and OctoPrint

There are different ways:

  • You can drag and drop files from the file explorer to the OctoPrint GUI.
  • You can use the upload button at the bottom of the files section on the left side
  • You can directly upload gcode files from various slicers to OctoPrint.

I think the best way is to configure Samba on the raspberry pi. A search on line will show the fairly easy steps to setup and configure samba. You can then save gcode files from windows PC to the watched folder and they will appear in the uploaded folder. You could also map a network drive to the watched folder.

I solved my problem by using SimplyPrint!