On Thursday I turned to you with a plea for help, as the
financial support for my work on OctoPrint had been dropping over the past years and I was starting to get
worried about the future of the project.
I have been a patron since it was a thing, and happy to do so, and if there was a maintenance fee I'd pay that too, since of course you have to make a living too, and if I am printing stuff for my work that I get paid for, then you should too. Of course the downside is once you accept actual fees then well, you kinda have to have some sort of service level guarantee, which is a burden on a small team (or person in your case) versus just being as quick as you can.
Gina, Octoprint is a ridiculously awesome solution. Amazing job creating and updating it. Like others have indicated, happy to continue to support it. Thanks for all your hard work!
This is excellent news! I can't imagine running a printer without OctoPrint, I would hate to know you're feeling stress about the finances. Hopefully it's a snowball effect, and it would also be amazing if some of the printer manufacturers had funds to support the many open source projects that make their printers actually fun to use
OctoPrint is one of the few projects I financially support because of its usefulness. When I first started using a 3D printer, I was both amazed by the versatility of the machine and its lack of "intelligence". At that time, I really missed having proper management software to operate it the way I wanted.
Fortunately, I stumbled upon OctoPrint. Since then, I've considered it responsible for a huge part of my positive 3D printing experience.
Keep up the good work. I've only read well-deserved comments above mine. +1 from me.
Gladly again, which happens monthly anyway.
Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with asking if you can be supported to continue to operate and develop the project, if it is obviously so many use.
There are too few who really offer pure open source like Octoprint. I used Repetier myself before and then switched to Octoprint and don't regret it. For my workflow Octoprint with its extensibility is simply the better choice.
Otherwise, if you need server capacity, just get in touch.
I found OcoPrint and started sponsoring about 6 or 7 years ago. I have not even fired up my 3D printer in over 2 years, but I have left my Patreon sponsorship running in that time, knowing that I'll get back into this at some point when time permits. I'm a big fan of your work, and appreciate your commitment to keeping it Open Source.
I've never really been a fan of the Patreon system and their fees. I'll look in to switching it over to GitHub.
I have been using Patreon for support for quite some time as well but thank you for the reminder that github is also a (better) option. Thinking about switching over, but I love following your posts on Patreon as well.
Also, in the same camp as @John_Mc , did take a hiatus from printing for a few years until now when I started printing some SpaceX models, but kept on support on Patreon nevertheless.
I have been using OctoPrint for three years and through this program and my MK3S and Printables I have been able to create and share my work with thousands of other people for free. When I turn on my printer, I immediately turn on OctoPrint. It is the portal with which I can be creative and share projects and make other people's lives better and that makes me smile! I made this Circular Sock Knitting Machine for my mom and shared the project with people all over the world. Thanks to OctoPrint for being a part of my family. I sent in a donation. Thank you Gina.