Funding update: You are amazing!

Love you Gina for all you do!

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Im so glad i can help. You are doing a great job!!
Thank You

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I got into 3D printing in september of 2021 and by December i had already hooked up my first octoprint instance, now i have five instances ready to go or in use at a time. the though of something i use so often loosing support while other worse close source solutions continue to grow made me immediately come to support you, please keep it up.

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Glad to hear, and happy to support you!
As Software Engineer I know what it means to maintain a project like that, and I hope that your funding success is a sign that more people appreciate the efforts of people maintaining FOSS projects.
Thank you for your work and all the best from Austria!

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I am happy to give; Yours and the Pi-hole projects are two that I love to support.

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I just saw your post about needing support, then saw your post saying you're all set, then made a contribution anyway. I've been 3d printing nearly a decade and I love Octoprint and I never want to run a printer without it.

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Glad to hear everything is ok for you now, it is horrible to be worrying about money.

I love Octoprint and use it everyday, my small 3d printing side business is 90% automated thanks to Octoprint and its plugins, I couldn't imagine going back to the old ways of using the 3d printer controller and having to transfer files to an SD card each time I wanted to print something!!

Just signed up to your monthly Github subscription to give you something back.

Thanks again for everything that you do!!

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I got Octoprint just to check it out but figured I'd never have a use for it. The past week or so I've had issues getting the Pi to connect with our new mesh network so I'm back to SD cards and it's driving me nuts! I want my Octoprint back!! :grinning: Keep up the good work.

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Gina, I'm brand new to 3D printing and Octoprint was recommended to me by a friend. It has quickly become indispensable and I'm glad to join your supporters. I appreciate that you added a notification in the app AND that you had numerous options for donating. Making the need clear and having options for giving already set up made it easy for me to jump in.

Thank you for all you've done with Octoprint and for your investment in open-source software :heart:

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Oh that is brilliant news, it was a no brainer for me as i couldn't be without Octoprint. Also just waiting for my Octoprint Hoodie to arrive :slight_smile:

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I strongly suggest that you put a banner ad on the Octoprint home page that points to your funding page -- something low-key (no animation) and positioned where it doesn't block a whole lot. For example, above the "Connection" box.

Make it so that it only uses local images and doesn't track clicks, and then it won't bog down loading the page or trigger ad blockers.

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It's really hard to NOT want to fund this project! I gladly send money for this worthy project. I know it has dramatically eased the pain and frustration of 3D printing.

Fun part is, I have educated my wife (retired) on how to start up the printer and make sure it is ready to go. I have a Pi camera installed so I can monitor things remotely using Team Viewer.

Well, it is getting on towards midnight and the print I am doing now (upper half of a 110 film holder for my Plustek scanner) is about finished and I will start the machine printing the bottom half and then go to bed.

Keep up the GREAT work!


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I think you should try for more corporate sponsors too. You must have a good idea of who's printers are being used - see if they are willing to sponsor and be sure to give them something in return like sponsors logos in the app itself and website, and perhaps special features for those printers via plugins (if possible). Could be printer manufacturers, filament makers, hotend, etc.

You are clearly an excellent developer- but you need to have a marketing hat on too.


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Excellent news. You and your work are too damn important.

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Continuing the discussion from Funding update: You are amazing!:

Thank you for your work! I gave what I thought I could spare and I'm glad you are getting support from others as well. I love using OctoPrint. It gives me a great way to use one of my Raspberry Pi's as a print server. I've setup a similar setup for my parents as well, and they love the simplicity.

We are looking forward to continuing using OctoPrint and hope you keep up the superb work maintaining it.


Thank You, Gina!


Happy that we could all together help to make this situation better!
Your work needs support , your time on this project needs to be reward !
keep up the great job and thank you !


Thank you and keep going! greets from the Netherlands! :globe_with_meridians: :netherlands: :netherlands:

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Thank you for asking for help @foosel!


Sponsored! Was after some stickers too but no shipping to Australia.

Keep up the good work, octoprint rocks!