Funding update: You are amazing!

Increased sponsor level to the max on Patreon, and sent a special one time PayPal donation.

Thank you for all you do!!!

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I haven't printed since I moved out of my apartment and went nomadic. I'm staying a friend's house and fired up my gear for some prints while I'm here and getting caught up on the printing world. Octoprint has been incredible for me, and I should have been donating all this time, but I'm starting now. You, and this work, is so very worth it. Thank you for all you've done. I feel so proud to be able to sponsor you. I owe you a lot, I know this, and I'm looking forward to getting back on top so that I can pitch in more.

Donated - I've been using this for 4years+ I always appreciate the work that goes into this!

I have being into computers for a long, long time.
And a big time FOSS fan...
Being a consumer is completely different to going foss, if you get what i mean...
Going the free and open source route can be really hard.
It can be a big problem to make a living out of it...
People generally don't understand and don't respect this "free" thing...

I can go on for hours and hours on the topic but i'd better stop here...

I am occasionally 3d printing stuff.
It was more than 6 months ago that i printed something for a friend.
Now i am printing something for another friend.
So i did not see your funding plea until today.

Dear Gina:
You created an astonishing piece of work.
It's linux, it works in rpi (ok the hardware is not FOSS, but the support is something else!), and finally octoprint is FOSS.
I did a humble one time donation but if you promise to keep it free and open source i promise to donate again.


ps: if you can feed me with relevant information i'd be happy to help.
In i a way i already did with this camera issue i had that helped other people.
Coding can be fun...

I have just come back to 3D Printing after a gap of at least 5 years and when I finally got a printer (a used Sovol SV2) the first upgrade was always going to be getting octoprint to manage everything. I wasn't in a position all those years ago but now in a position where I could send a little bit your way.

Octoprint is your passion and you shouldn't be in a position where you have to step down. Wishing you all the best and hoping the funding keeps coming in.