FYSETC Cheetah, There was a timeout while trying to connect to the printer

What is the problem?

Im getting a connection timeout when trying to connect to fysetc cheetah board.

Connecting to: /dev/ttyUSB0
Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial port"
Connected to: Serial<id=0xab1b6a70, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=460800, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=40.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor
Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
Send: N0 M110 N0*125
There was a timeout while trying to connect to the printer
Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Offline"
Connection closed, closing down monitor

What did you already try to solve it?

Ive tried every type of baudrate there is, even the custom baudrate 460800. But still to no avail.

Logs (octoprint.log, serial.log or output on terminal tab, browser error console ...)

Connecting to: /dev/ttyUSB0
Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial port"
Connected to: Serial<id=0xab1b6a70, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=460800, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=40.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor
Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
Send: N0 M110 N0*125
There was a timeout while trying to connect to the printer
Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Offline"
Connection closed, closing down monitor

Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ...)

Tried many different platforms and versions all the same problem. Tried Mac OSX and Raspberry pi 4, latest octoprint, fresh install from master branch.

If you haven't changed the firmware it should have BAUDRATE 250000
Here is the config file

You said you tried different platforms - have you tried different cables?

Yes I have. And baudrate 250000 doesn't work as well :frowning:

Just to rule things out - does it work on a pc (or mac or whatever :smiley:) with other software like pronterface?

Will try as soon as I can! Will get back to you

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When compiling the example config it just errors, saying Serial port 0 does not exist.

                 from Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_STM32F1/../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:30,
                 from Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_STM32F1/watchdog_STM32F1.cpp:29:
Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_STM32F1/../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/HAL.h:73:4: error: #error "Serial port 0 does not exist"
   #error "Serial port 0 does not exist"
Compiling .pioenvs/fysetc_STM32F1/src/src/HAL/shared/backtrace/unwmemaccess.cpp.o
Compiling .pioenvs/fysetc_STM32F1/src/src/HAL/shared/eeprom_i2c.cpp.o

In file included from Marlin/src/HAL/shared/../../inc/../HAL/HAL.h:26:0,
                 from Marlin/src/HAL/shared/../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:30,
                 from Marlin/src/HAL/shared/HAL_spi_L6470.cpp:28:
Marlin/src/HAL/shared/../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/HAL.h:73:4: error: #error "Serial port 0 does not exist"
   #error "Serial port 0 does not exist"
*** [.pioenvs/fysetc_STM32F1/src/src/HAL/HAL_STM32F1/HAL_Servo_STM32F1.cpp.o] Error 1
*** [.pioenvs/fysetc_STM32F1/src/src/HAL/HAL_STM32F1/HAL.cpp.o] Error 1
In file included from Marlin/src/HAL/shared/backtrace/../../../core/../inc/../HAL/HAL.h:26:0,
                 from Marlin/src/HAL/shared/backtrace/../../../core/../inc/MarlinConfig.h:30,
                 from Marlin/src/HAL/shared/backtrace/../../../core/serial.h:24,
                 from Marlin/src/HAL/shared/backtrace/backtrace.cpp:30:
Marlin/src/HAL/shared/backtrace/../../../core/../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/HAL.h:73:4: error: #error "Serial port 0 does not exist"
   #error "Serial port 0 does not exist"

I cant connect through pronterface aswell. so its not an octoprint specific bug, which i didn't assume, but I did not know where to post this question else.

If I understand it right the board should come preflashed and should run marlin.
But sure try to reflash it - maybe you got it without firmware

I think you got the serial 0 warning because you didn't set up your enviroment right.
Follow the guide in the wiki and try it again. Hopefully you get it to compile without an error :smiley:

Here is the full wiki for your board