Getting error trying to connect to octoprint

What is the problem?

When I connect to octoprint I can get in once, then malwarebytes browser guide (I'm not sure where it even came from) comes up with a security error attempt at redirect and I get http://octoprint :5000/login/?redirect=%2F%3F&permissions=STATUS,SETTINGS_READ

I am running ubuntu server and have octoprint installed to it with the usb web camera working. The host name is octoprint. I am accessing it via Edge on Windows 11.

If I clean everything octoprint from the Edge history I can get to it again one time. If I change to the ip address rather than the host name it doesn't seem to make any difference. If I don't log out of octoprint sometimes it connects back, other times I get this same message. I'm sure this is not a problem with Octoprint but didn't know where else to turn for help.

What did you already try to solve it?


Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog... no bundle, no support, unless the reason you couldn't retrieve the bundle is your network issues


Additional information about your setup

Hardware you are trying to connect to, hardware you are trying to connect from, router, access point, used operating systems, ... as much data as possible


Could you show us a screenshot of the security error attempt at redirect warning?

Just check the do not block this site again box and then click the continue to this website button

Only problem is that once I click on "Do Not Block This Site Again" nothing happens when I click "Continue to this website". So, I just get the same error when I try to go Octoprint again. I have to clear everything octoprint from the browser history and then it seems to work the first time.

Uninstall malwarebytes


Slightly less drastic than a complete "uninstall" would be to configure the Malwarebytes Allow List.

I'm not sure why but I can connect to both of my OctoPrint systems with Malwarebytes enabled and nothing in my Allow List. I'm running version

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That makes much more sense. Any idea how to do that with just the Malwarebytes browser guard extension? I can't seem to find the allow list in the extension.


Got it. There were 3 dots on the Malwarebytes browser guard extension screen - these got me to where I could add to the allow list. Thanks.