Gopro Hero 4, octoprint with HDMI-CSI bridge

Camera model

Gopro hero 4

What is the problem?

A year or so ago I followed this ( tutorial on how to set up a gopro to stream to octoprint. It worked, I printed some things but due to personal matters I had to stow away my printer for a while, now I plugged everything back in and it seems like the stream isn't being recognised anymore.

What did you already try to solve it?

Tested all components I could, gopro is sending out hdmi signal.

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle (51.7 KB)
There seem to be some interesting things in the webcam file, but I really don't understand it

Additional information about your setup

I tried before and after updating to the latest octopi version