I use octoprint for my ender 3 and i need to change the print spped during printing. Is this possible? where can i set it?
for example:
if i sliced it with a print-speed about 60mm/s and i want to change this to 40mm/s, i need to change it to 66%. It is really important, that the flow and something else, will be automaitcally set for the 60%.
This is the "feed rate" setting in the control tab. Here you can provide the printer with a percentage that it will scale all of the gcode speeds to. So you can set 60% here and then every move will be 60% of the speed that is set in your slicer.
You don't mess with flow unless you are over or under extruding. E is material per move and is automagically controlled by feedrate. No matter how fast you move, you still need the same amount of plastic. So feedrate controls the extruder as well.