How do I add a user to Octopi?

What is the problem?

I was able to connect to my Raspberry Pi's OctoPrint URL and received the login challenge screen. For some reason, my "pi" user and password that I always use for such connections did not work on my Raspberry Pi/Octoprint instance.

I type in pi and the setup password I always use and got the error, "Incorrect username or password".

Since I would rather use a different user name to log in with full permissions what is the procedure to add such user so that I can log into the Octoprint and interact with my printer? .

What did you already try to solve it?

I tried the command to allow for a user to set up once they access the URL but the new user dialog did not come up.

sed -i -e 's/firstRun: false/firstRun: true/g' ~/.octoprint/config.yaml
sudo service octoprint restart

I read somewhere that a new user dialog screen would come up. But this did not happen.

Have you tried running in safe mode?

Not sure how or if this would solve my problem if I did.

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Complete Logs

octoprint.log, serial.log or output on terminal tab at a minimum, browser error console if UI issue ... no logs, no support! Not log excerpts, complete logs.)

I have the logs in a Zip file and are accessible from this link,

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint Latest, OctoPi Latest, Crelity, firmware, FireFox, Raspberry Pi, ... as much data as possible


The username/password for the OctoPrint web interface is not the same as the username/password for logging in to ssh or the console. The latter is typically pi/raspberry by default. The former is something you configured when first setting up your OctoPrint instance.

If you forgot the username/password for OctoPrint, see I forgot my OctoPrint password, how can I reset it?