Is it possible to interrogate octoprint from the command line to get print status details and similar information?
I want to be able to write bash/python/whatever scripts to pull simple statistics from the active octoprint it MUST be from the command prompt. ... wget/curl if necessary.
Try the CLI:
$ octoprint client --help
Usage: octoprint client [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Basic API client.
-a, --apikey TEXT
-h, --host TEXT
-p, --port INTEGER
--httpuser TEXT
--httppass TEXT
--prefix TEXT
--help Show this message and exit.
command Sends a JSON command to the specified server...
delete Sends a DELETE request to the specified...
get Performs a GET request against the specified...
patch_json PATCHes JSON data to the specified server...
post_from_file POSTs JSON data to the specified server path,...
post_json POSTs JSON data to the specified server path.
upload Uploads the specified file to the specified...
Or use curl
with the API.
Thank you. This answers one part of my question. And this answers the rest.
I was looking for similar information and wanted to provide some clarification since this is the only thread I found that got me close. I was writing a bash script to run an archive process only if the printer is offline.
The command to query job status from command line is "octoprint client get /api/job"
The returned output is a 2 line amalgamation of different information about the current job. Parse as you like for the information you need.
I've got mine piped in to a variable that looks for "Offline" in the output and returns a number:
PRINTSTATE=$(/home/pi/oprint/bin/./octoprint client get /api/job | grep -c "Offline")