How Many Printers To One Raspberry Pi In OctoPrint

What is the problem?

I have 5 ender3, 1 bamboo carbon, and 2 bioprinters in my lab, and I need to budget the logistics I need to be able to setup an OctoPrint for the Online students to have access to. How many printers can be controlled by one raspberry pi using OctoPrint.

What did you already try to solve it?

I have watched a couple of Youtube tutorials but haven't seen anyone with that solution yet.

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)


I have 5 ender3, 1 bamboo carbon, and 2 bioprinters in my lab, and I need to budget the logistics I need to be able to setup an OctoPrint for the Online students to have access to. How many printers can be controlled by one raspberry pi using OctoPrint? How should it be setup? What are the accessories and plugins I may need to carry this project out?


Hello @Collins !

That depends on the RasPi you want to use.

A Pi 3 can maybe 2, the 4 and 5 a few more.

I personally don't recommend it. If you have a issue with that Pi (PSU broken, crash, etc), you will have all prints lost that are running.

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Use a small inexpensive PC with Linux on it. If you get one with an i5 16GB ram or better, you should be able to run all of that on it. You will also have less heat, power and disk issues long term. Might even be able to get one with enough USB ports too.

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Each OctoPrint install can only connect to one printer at a time. You can run multiple OctoPrint instances on one Pi, that's fine. They will run independently of each other.

You can install multiple instances using octoprint_deploy - a link is available on the homepage.

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