How to add two new printers to existing OctoPi configuration?

What is the problem?

I have been using Octopi with my Prusa Mini + rPi 4 for around a year and I've now invested in two more printers, each with their own rPi 4. I've flashed OctoPrint to the new MicroSD cards and given each printer a separate login and password for authentication.

If possible I would like to be able to monitor all three printers and camera streams from my PC (each printer has their own camera module).

I haven't added any extra printers to my OctoPrint setup in the past so if anyone has any advice please, I would be really grateful.

My main queries are:
β€’ Will octopi.local/ automatically detect all three printers on the network? Presumably I will need to authenticate each one via the browser but will it run as normal from there?
β€’ Is there a way I can copy my plugins from my existing octopi setup to the other two printers, or will this need to be done manually?
β€’ What do I need to change regarding the camera stream URL during OctoPrint setup? Will I be able to monitor all 3 camera feeds at once?

What did you already try to solve it?

n/a - just looking for advice going forward

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)


Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible

For all 3 printers:
OctoPi 1.0.0
OctoPrint 1.9.3 (camera stack build)
Prusa Mini
Firmware 5.1.2
rPi Camera Module
Accessing OctoPi via Google Chrome, and OctoPod iOs application.
Windows 10

From - Download & Setup OctoPrint, find the octoprint_deploy script install option.

This script allows you to create multiple OctoPrint instances easily.

I think that your questions will be answered by setting it up & reading the instructions for the script. Each instance you create will be setup under http://octopi.local/'instancename', with the webcams accessed similarly.

3 printers and 3 cameras might start to get to much for the USB ports of the Pi. Printers should be fine, but cameras do take quite a bit of bandwidth - so be careful you don't run out of resources.

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Thanks so much for the helpful advice! I'll look into the link you provided as that sounds like the solution I am looking for.

Just to clarify:
β€’ The octoprint_deploy script looks like it's for Linux, would I still be able to run this on Windows?
β€’ As you mentioned about USB ports, I have multiple Raspberry Pi 4 (one for each printer) so hopefully this won't cause any problems (?)

Sorry, I think I missed the point of your post. I misread and thought you wanted to run 3 printers from a single Pi.

If you have separate Pis, then it's easy. You can setup each one separately. When you set up the Pis in the RPi Imager when flashing the SD card, you can set the hostname. This replaces 'octopi', so if you set it to 'printertwo', you would access it with http://printertwo.local. You dont have to do any extra setup on your PC, each instance is independent.

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Charlie is correct. You are connecting to the raspberry pi, where you run the scripts.
You can access the pi from a windows machine.

3 printers will "Overwelm" the pi.

All 3 printers running, they can miss a command and screw the print.
After you run the setup scripts, set Octoprint to a higher priority.

SSH to the pi and run;
sudo renice -10 -p $(pgrep 'octoprint')

Good luck,

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