How to monitor 16 UltiMaker 2+ in one browser with OctoPrint on Raspberry Pi 3 model B+

What is the best way to monitor 16 UltiMaker 2+ printers in one browser window with OctoPrint installed on Raspberry Pi's 3 model B+ with PiCams?

My understanding is that it is not recommended to attempt to monitor more than one printer per Raspi, and that best performance is attained using PiCams. But is it possible to monitor and control 16 Ultimaker 2+ printers from a single browser simultaneously? If so, how can this be done?

you can use
and use a normal pc for octoprint

Thank you for your assistance Daniel! I will not be able to test your suggestion before we have received the printers and have everything installed and configured, so i will assume your suggestion works and mark this case as closed.

I made demo setup for development.
the cam pictures are provided from a dummy stream

It looks like this