what is the topic, Rest API, and Rest parameter to do Pause and Resume?
i searched and found nothing about the syntax of these. thanks!
This is cut out from a python script which handles an OctoPrint remote: You'll need to edit the API key and the url to your OctoPrint print host.
def sendOctoPrintCommand(cmd):
if cmd == "restart":
payload = '{"command": "restart"}'
elif cmd == "cancel":
payload = '{"command": "cancel"}'
elif cmd == "pause":
payload = '{"command": "pause", "action":"pause"}'
elif cmd == "resume":
payload = '{"command": "pause", "action":"resume"}'
elif cmd == "togglePause":
payload = '{"command": "pause", "action":"toggle"}'
command = 'curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Api-Key":"ABCDEF1234567890ABC" -d \'{}\' http://octoprint.athome/api/job'.format(payload)
stream = os.popen(command)
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