How to read enclosure temperature & display in Octoprint?


I am curious about a plug in that will read the temperature inside an enclosure.
For that, I also need to know what sort of device to plug into the Raspberry Pi that would be supported.
I have the Raspberry Pi mounted outside of each 3D printer enclosure (12) and I tried putting a temp/humidity gauge inside each enclosure but it wasn't readable from the camera angle. Which is fine, I would rather have Octoprint and Obico closely monitoring for fails.

If there's something already out there, I haven't found both the hardware and plugin that would work!


Enclosure plugin is probably what you're looking for if you want to direct connect to the pi. It says abandoned, but should still function for most use cases. Other options include a single file python plugin that reports "chamber" temperature to OctoPrint, and with chamber enabled in settings it will default to show in temp graph. TopTemp plugin is another option as well as my PlotyTempGraph plugin and a single file plugin to report temperature as something other that "C".

I also have graphing integrated in my Tasmota plugin if you have a a Tasmota device connected to a sensor. Should support any type of device that the Tasmota project supports connected to an esp8266 or esp32 device.

Relative to single file plugin, here's an example, without PlotlyTempGraph plugin you would have to edit the reported data replacing self.last_temps["DS18B20"] with self.last_temps["C"].

Thank you for the replies

As I mentioned, I have the Pi's mounted outside of the enclosures. What temp sensor would you suggest? Something that comes off the GPIO pins or something connected via USB port?

I was thinking something like this (like to find something in USA, not Australia tho!)

Not sure it shows humidity, would we be a nice plus to have

What about something like this?

well, the example single file plugin I linked above is for DS18B20 based devices like this. No idea if it really works, I just grabbed the code from either the enclosure plugin or possibly TopTemp, can't remember exactly which now.