Liebe Forums-Mitglieder,
ich nutze nun Octoprint an meinem Ender2 über einen Raspberry.
Würde gern die Funktion des Filamentwechsels mit benutzen. Im GCode ist der M600-Code enthalten und wird auch vor entsprechendem Layer gesendet. Der Drucker führt aus, der Wechsel kann durchgeführt werden, nur der Druckjob lässt sich nicht fortsetzen.
Wie kann ich mit Octoprint den Job weiterlaufen lassen?
Herzliche Grüße
Dear forum members,
I now use Octoprint on my Ender2 via a Raspberry.
Would like to use the function of filament change with. The GCode contains the M600 code and is also sent before the corresponding layer. The printer executes, the change can be made, only the print job can not continue.
How can I keep the job going with Octoprint?
I'm not sure how this would work, as sent over serial from OctoPrint. I'm pretty sure that the M600 series of commands as proposed were meant to be run from the printer's LCD screen as implemented in a button.
Over serial, you initiate this and then the printer doesn't reply until it's done (presumably). It's bound to end in a timeout.
Unless the printer firmware properly implements the busy protocol, in which case OctoPrint will not run into a timeout, but you'll still need to do stuff on the controller to proceed.