What is the problem?
After updating my Raspberry Pi 4 to OctoPi 1.0.0 with OctoPrint 1.10.0 (Build 20240425094544) via Raspberry Pi Imager, and installing the SD card back on the Pi, I was able to successfully log into Octoprint, and start controlling my Prusa MK3S. I noticed that there was no image on my HyperPixel 4.0 touch screen though. The screen was on as it had a very faint backlight illuminated, just no image.
I went to GitHub to install the HyperPixel 4.0 drivers, via SSH in putty, "curl -sSL get.pimoroni.com/hyperpixel4-legacy | bash" and everything seemed to run OK. After a reboot, still the same issue.
I have tried to re-image the SD again and again, no success. It is to be noted, that this setup has worked for me for 3+ years, when i first added a Raspberry Pi to my Prusa. I only just decided to update the SD as I was still running Python 2 I believe, and I was tired of going into OctoPrint and getting the message that it was time to upgrade, so as i was replacing the Nozzle, and upgrading the printer firmware to 3.13.3-7094, I figured it was a goodtime to update... I was wrong.
Any guidance as to why my HyperPixel has stopped working after updating my Pi?