I dont fix octopi problems

My connection with octoprint is constantly disconnecting and it says that octoprint cura and printer are not connected.
my priinter connection but ı dont move axes
I can't move axes via octopi

online mod 3 minute after change offline

How is the pi connected to your network? Via Wifi?

raspberry pi connected wifi

raspberry pi connection my modem(wifi). ı use try octoprint but not moving axis and ultimaker cura say not connection my printer

What happens when you click on "Connect"?

ı click connect but not change ı dont move axis and ultimaker cura say not working cura say not connecting printer

if there is so that you can help me can you help me my knowledge.
my english bad ı use trasnlate sorry for my english

Please do the following:

  1. Go into the Settings and enable serial logging:

  2. Click "Connect". Wait for it to fail.

  3. Download the system info bundle and upload it here.

  4. Disable serial logging again (do 1. backwards)

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octoprint-systeminfo-20210611181941.zip (44.2 KB)

Try 115200 as baudrate:


now move axis my printer thanks for help