Installed plugins do not show up on local PI but do in webinterface

What is the problem?

When you scroll down to plugin manager, no installed plugins do not show up on my local octoprint screen (i.e. pi connected to printer and has local HDMI display but DO show up on the web interface. Several will show up on the local screen as tabs. I loaded plugins via the web interface but even the default oprint plugins do not show up

What did you already try to solve it?

rebooted several times

Have you tried running in safe mode?

did not try

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!) (51.8 KB)

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible
1.9/1.0 MegaS, marlin, chromium

I never used a screen on a Pi - which screen plugin / software are you using?

Thanks for the reply - just using a small 7" HDMI screen plugged into the HDMI port of the Rpi. No additional software needed the Pi recognizes it at boot up. FWIW - the 4B model can run up to 2 different HDMI monitors.

You know that OctoPi comes without a desktop environment?

Indeed! Thanks for the reminder. It does prompt you to install the desktop after the initial install if you want to run a local monitor. Forgot to add that! I do find having a printer resident local OPi monitor can be very helpful for a variety of feed back intensive tasks - like calibration of extruders, etc...

I'm still confused as to where you're at. You installed the desktop options with the script and are logging in locally to a UI that you then open a browser and access the page? Are you logging in with a user that has the rights? To debug something like this, probably easiest to enable VNC in raspi-config and connect remotely from your desktop to that machine to control. Otherwise, check the developer tools of the browser that is installed locally on the pi and see if there are errors in the console tab of that.

[quote="jneilliii, post:6, topic:52143, full:true"]
I'm still confused as to where you're at. You installed the desktop options with the script and are logging in locally to a UI that you then open a browser and access the page?

Correct - from my Windows Desktop I log into oprint via the IP address - this launches oprint on my Windows 10. I have full access to oprint - looks exactly like the local pi desktop at printer

Are you logging in with a user that has the rights?

I think so - the "remote" log in requires me to sign in with user name/PW

To debug something like this, probably easiest to enable VNC in raspi-config and connect remotely from your desktop to that machine to control.

I enabled ssh but enabling VNC was not an option - it is there but you cant "toggle it on/off" it is greyed out

Otherwise, check the developer tools of the browser that is installed locally on the pi and see if there are errors in the console tab of that.

No errors come up in the local (printer/pi) console that I can find - is there a specific place to check?

Appreciate your time/help!!

Interesting finding! While I am having some issues with my webcam stream, I downloaded a new plugin at the Rpi local interface (i.e. at pi, using desktop/screen and keyboard.) After the plugin was installed and the system rebooted - all of the previously installed plugins are now visible on the local (Rpi) and remotely. Since I had rebooted the Rpi many times before and still not seen the installed plugins locally, something about using the local Rpi to install the plugin allowed all of the others to show up...go figure.
Now hoping to resolve my intermittent webcam streaming challenges....

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