Installing Octoprint On Ubuntu Linux

I am installing Octoprint on Ubuntu Linux using this tutorial:
Setting up OctoPrint on Ubuntu 20.04 with Python 3 | Illuminated3D

I have Octoprint running and I can use a webcam. However, the webcam script to automatically start the stream references a utility called vcgencmd

I can't find it in any Ubuntu repos. I can't find any tutorials that tell you where to get it for Ubuntu. It
seems to be only available in the repositories for the Pi.

What did you already try to solve it?

a lot of searching

Systeminfo Bundle

doesn't really apply

Additional information about your setup

Ubuntu 22.04

Are you using a pi?
vcgencmd is a pi tool

You can use this webcam script for x86 based pcs with an usb cam

I am not using a Pi. I have one with Octopi installed but when I plug in a camera it doesn't work well. I think it's too slow. I am trying to get an Ubuntu desktop working. I checked the version of Raspian that is built for the x86_64 architecture. The package that includes vcgencmd is not in the repos. There is another package that refers to it in those repos, but the libraspberrypi-bin package only exists in the repos for the ARM architecture.

Vcgencmd doesn't work on x86 or other sbc boards.

'vcgencmd' is a command line tool designed by Broadcom used on the Raspberry Pi. This Python package is a native binding to that tool. Currently only a portion of the 'vcgencmd' command line tool is supported.

ok thanks. I saw that repository while trying to solve this yesterday. I understood it as the Python binding was specific to Raspberry Pi, not vcgencmd. thanks.

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