I have Octoprint running and I can use a webcam. However, the webcam script to automatically start the stream references a utility called vcgencmd
I can't find it in any Ubuntu repos. I can't find any tutorials that tell you where to get it for Ubuntu. It
seems to be only available in the repositories for the Pi.
I am not using a Pi. I have one with Octopi installed but when I plug in a camera it doesn't work well. I think it's too slow. I am trying to get an Ubuntu desktop working. I checked the version of Raspian that is built for the x86_64 architecture. The package that includes vcgencmd is not in the repos. There is another package that refers to it in those repos, but the libraspberrypi-bin package only exists in the repos for the ARM architecture.
'vcgencmd' is a command line tool designed by Broadcom used on the Raspberry Pi. This Python package is a native binding to that tool. Currently only a portion of the 'vcgencmd' command line tool is supported.
ok thanks. I saw that repository while trying to solve this yesterday. I understood it as the Python binding was specific to Raspberry Pi, not vcgencmd. thanks.